Following the resignation of UP cabinet minister Swami Prasad Maurya, minister Dara Singh Chauhan and four other MLAs officially quitted Yogi Adithyanath’s cabinet. Everyone stated a similar reason that the government was negligent towards the backward and deprived sections.
The chain of resignations ignited a storm in the political world as well as in social media since it all happened within a span of 48 hours.
Mr Chauhan joined BJP in 2015, after working for several years with Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP). He served as president of the BJP OBC Morcha and was handling the Forests and Environment Ministry since 2017.
In the resignation letter of Mr Chauhan, he mentioned that the government was not fair towards backward sections and the quota was also neglected.
CM Yogi Adityanath’s deputy Keshav Prasad Maurya tweeted that “If any family member strays, it is very sad. I can only appeal to the respected leaders who are going, please don’t get on a sinking ship or it will be their loss. Big brother Dara Singh, please reconsider your decision,”.
Similarly, Keshav also appealed to Maurya to reconsider the resignation but his appeals were not much effective. Mr Chauhan is likely to join BSP-BJP-Samajwadi Party like the other 5 who quit before.
Sudden exits in the party have shaken the political arena as the elections are ahead and Akhilesh Yadav is considered as the main opponent and the OBC votes really matter.
When SP Maurya resigned from Yogi Ministry on Tuesday, he said 11-12 more MLAs will quit.
What do you think about this chain of resignations happening? Will more MLAs and MPs quit?
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