Source : Time of India

On Friday, LG Anil Baijal rejected Arvind Kejriwal’s proposal to lift the curbs and said that the weekend and night curfews will still continue.

Kejriwal’s proposal to LG contained lifting the weekend curfew, allowing shops to open and functioning of private offices at 50% capacity. LG asked the Delhi government to maintain the restrictions and status quo, as the Covid cases are above 12,000 in Delhi. He also added that the restrictions will be revised once there is improvement in the Covid scenario.

The order issued by DMDA on Friday said the Covid cases are declining in Delhi, some restrictions may be reduced on the outer part of the containment zone. DMDA also suggested private offices to spread work timings for employees to ensure the minimum number of employees at the same time.

The duration of the night curfew is between 10 PM and 5 AM.  And the weekend curfew starts from 10 PM Friday and ends at 5 AM Monday. The Government of Delhi is disappointed by the rejection of the proposal and requests LG to reconsider the decision.

Deputy Chief Minister Sisodia said that it is necessary to put restrictions when the scenario is worst but now the cases are coming down and the restrictions can be reduced. In this situation, we can relax the curfew and allow people to move out for survival and added that the city business was badly affected.

What do you think regarding LG’s decision?

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