On Saturday, Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav said that Uttar Pradesh state elections are not going to drop surprises but the real surprise will come from Gujarat state assembly polls. He added that the people of Uttar Pradesh have already given their verdict and the BJP is still nervous.
Post the ‘anna sankalp‘ of defeating the BJP, Mr Akhilesh Yadav along with Rashtriya Lok Dal chief Jayant Chaudhry said in a press conference “A wrestler who loses sometimes bites or pulls. These people (BJP) have already lost,”.
Mr Yadav said that the voters will teach an absolute lesson to the ones who are honouring the assassinators of Mahatma Gandhi and UP state election results will spread happiness in the state. He also stated “The people of Uttar Pradesh have given their verdict. No surprise is going to come here. Farmers, young traders, people of all sections have made up their mind that the government is going to be formed by those in the Samajwadi Party alliance,”.
Mr Yadav also raised a firm question “How can the farmers forget that the BJP has insulted the annadata (food providers) of the country?”. He added that Jayant Chaudhary ji has fought for the welfare and prosperity of farmers and those who strive for the farmers deserve the chance to serve and take the legacy forward.
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